The Choice Of Life: Middle Ages - Soundtrack Download

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The release date for The Choice of Life: Middle Ages - Soundtrack PC game on Steam: 17 Nov, 2020 The Choice of Life: Middle Ages - Soundtrack review According to Steam user reviews, 0% of the 0 user reviews in the last 30 days are positive. The music was added to enhance the emotion of the text. The first madrigals were primarily serious or sad in nature, so the music used to enhance the poetry reflected this.

The Choice Of Life: Middle Ages - Soundtrack DownloadDownload

Description: Picture a feast in a monarch’s court. Haunches of meat, and goblets of mead are illumined by a roaring log fire. Four musicians in brightly coloured, tattered rags play music from a nearby balcony. This is the sound of a medieval banquet. Featuring a Celtic harp, psaltery lute, frame drum, and recorder playing a simple tune.

Uses: For diegetic music in films, and games, but also perfect for background music, fantasy setting, theme parks, role playing games, and historical reenactment.

BPM: 140

ISRC: UKEZT1600047

The Choice Of Life: Middle Ages - Soundtrack Download Torrent

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The Choice Of Life: Middle Ages - Soundtrack Download Mp3

Tags: ancient, banquet, castle, celtic, court music, damsels, fantasy, feast, harp, historical, king, knights, lute, medieval, medievel, minstrels, psaltery, queen, recorder, reenactment, renaissance, role playing, royalty, rpg, theme park, troupe

The Medieval Banquet is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License by Shane Ivers of

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